Organisatör: ECSA

ECSA Ship Finance Roundtable

Hybrid seminar: "The role of private alternative ship financing"

ECSA invites stakeholders to the first of two seminars dedicated to alternative ship financing. ECSA’s Finance, Innovation and Transition (FIT) series restarts in 2023. As the shipping sector strives to decarbonise, the need for new and diversified sources of financing and funding remains crucial. The first FIT seminar will discuss the role of alternative ship financing, and in particular on the role of private finance, and how it can be part of the financing toolkit for shipping’s transition towards decarbonisation. The role of public funding will be the focus of the second FIT seminar, which will take place in Q2 2023.

The hybrid seminar will take place on 15 February 2023 from 10.00 CET, online and at the ECSA office. More information and agenda to follow!

Mandatory registration at [email protected]

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